Monday, March 16, 2015

Podcaster Tori's Bio

Hello! My name is Tori and I am a Northern Virginian currently living in Maryland. Before you ask; yes the northern is an important distinction to make. I play a variety of instruments, all on an average level, and I am a band instrument repair technician. I started reading at an early age, starting with Animorphs and continuing with series like Harry Potter, Tortall, Dragonriders of Pern and Valdemar.

More recently I have discovered a love for TV in the sci-fi/fantasy genre, such as Being Human, Forever, The Flash, Arrow, Agents of Shield  and Grimm. I also love some older shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stargate SG-1 and, of course, Star Trek. The biggest thing I bring to the table is my love of Fandom itself. Be it fanfiction, fan sites fan bands, fan musicals (Starkid anyone) or any other endeavor, I love the community fandom creates.

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