This week's episode of The Lettuce Podcast focused on another new entertainment adventure: House of Cards. Charlotte takes the reigns on this topic to guide Laura through a discussion about Season 1 of Netflix's flagship original program. They discuss the vivid cast of characters, how believable the politics of the show are, and whether they want Frank to succeed. Charlotte explains what about the show is difficult to enjoy, but why it is still engaging for the viewer. Laura identifies which character she found to have the most growth and which became a surprising favorite. The girls also discuss the incredible acting performance of House of Cards' leads, what's up with Remy Dalton, and a character Laura loves, but Charlotte hates – you'll have to listen to find out who! Also on the table for debate: Is Zoe naïve or in control? Is Frank likeble in any way? Does Doug Stamper's face match is ruthless character?
For the Fun & Games segment, the girls play one classic game and
one free-form. The classic games was a Which House of Cards Character Are You? Buzzfeed quiz. The free-form Predictions Game had Charlotte and
Laura asking and answering questions about what they think will
happen next in this bold and twisting tale. Comment on this post to
let us know what you think!
Podtails for this episode were inspired
by Frank Underwood's Southern upbringing and Peter Russo's sad fate.
Laura enjoyed a Peach Tea Old Fashioned while Charlotte sipped on a
Listen to this episode now!
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Don't forget to join us next week for The Lettuce Beets! The next episode of The Lettuce Podcast combines two of Laura's favorite things: music and comedy. She and Charlotte will be listening to and discussing some of Laura's favorite funny music including Garfunkel and Oates, The Lonely Island, Bo Burnham, and more.
Until then,
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