Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Lettuce Beets: House Stark-Slytherin - Show Notes

On this week's episode of The Lettuce Beets, Charlotte talks about her engagement and wedding plans. Laura shares her experiences with vegan brunch. The girls also review some movies (The Big SickDunkirk), talk about rereading the Harry Potter series, and prepping for their upcoming episode about the A Song of Ice and Fire series. For the Fun & Games section, they take a perfectly themed quiz: Which Game of Thrones/Harry Potter Hybrid House Should You Be In?

Listen to this episode now!

The Lettuce Podcast is available on iTunesStitcher, and Podcast Addict. If you like what you hear and want to be part of the conversation, feel free to leave a comment on this or any blog post. You can also help us reach a wider audience by rating and reviewing The Lettuce Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks for listening and for your support!
On the next episode of The Lettuce Podcast, Laura and Charlotte will be sharing moderating duties while discussing the Emmy Award Winning Hulu Original The Handmaid's Tale.

Until then,

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Plum Island, a John Cabbage Novel - Show Notes

Charlotte and Laura are solving a mystery with John Corey on this week's episode of The Lettuce Podcast. They're discussing Nelson DeMille's Plum Island, the first in the John Corey mystery series. Charlotte moderates this episode and helps Laura understand John Corey's bold personality, which leads to their most heated debate yet! They discuss John's non-PC attitude, his detective skills, how his various relationships affect him, and much more. In addition to discussing the main character, Charlotte shares why she loves both Detective Beth Penrose and the treasure hunting aspect of the novel. Laura wonders how many of the book's characters will change over the course of the series, and shares whether she's excited for more. The girls also discuss how Plum Island measures up as a murder mystery, which plot points left them confused, and what left them wanting more. Does John Corey's abrasive personality make him charming or offensive? Is the attraction between John and Beth believable? And how the hell did John drive a speed boat through a hurricane and survive? All these questions and more are discussed in this week's brand new episode!

Charlotte starts out the Fun & Games segment with a set of Madlibs she made especially for Laura. Next, the girls do a little Dream Casting where they discuss which actors should play the characters in Plum Island.

 This week's podtails were truly inspired by the topic. Charlotte followed in the footsteps of the vintner Frederick Tobin and enjoyed a glass of wine. Laura celebrated the novel's setting with a Long Island Iced Tea!

Listen to this episode now!

The Lettuce Podcast is available on iTunesStitcher, and Podcast Addict. If you like what you hear and want to be part of the conversation, feel free to leave a comment on this or any blog post. You can also help us reach a wider audience by rating and reviewing The Lettuce Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks for listening and for your support!
Don't forget to join us next week for The Lettuce Beets. On the next episode of The Lettuce Podcast, Laura and Charlotte will be sharing moderating duties while discussing the Emmy Award Winning Hulu Original The Handmaid's Tale.

Until then,

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Lettuce Beets: Runway & Rainbow - Show Notes

On this week's episode of The Lettuce Beets, Charlotte celebrates her anniversary, Laura tries a new nail polish technique, and the hosts share their thoughts on S7 of Game of Thrones. They also chat about the new season of Project Runway, Kesha's Rainbow, and much more. For the Fun & Games segment, they reveal the results of a Defenders themed Twitter poll and find out which crystal they're vibrating

Listen to this episode now!

The Lettuce Podcast is available on iTunesStitcher, and Podcast Addict. If you like what you hear and want to be part of the conversation, feel free to leave a comment on this or any blog post. You can also help us reach a wider audience by rating and reviewing The Lettuce Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks for listening and for your support!
Don't forget to join us next week for The Lettuce Beets. On the next topic episode of The Lettuce Podcast, Charlotte will be sharing the first book in one of her and her dad's favorite series: Plum Island by Nelson Demille.

Until then,

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Daredandelion, Jessica Juniper, Luke Sage, The Iron Frisee (The Defenders)

Charlotte and Laura are teaming up with the Defenders on this week's episode of The Lettuce Podcast. They review Netflix's latest installment in the richly textured Marvel Cinematic Universe and discuss its unlikely band of superheroes, the threat of an organization called The Hand, and where the story goes from here. Charlotte comes to the subject with a full knowledge of the events from previous characters' series. She shares why the Iron Fist is such a frustrating character and why she hopes Luke Cage questions his morals in the future. Laura, a novice fan of the Marvel characters, explains why the series was still enjoyable for someone with limited information and how she way able to keep up. They girls together discuss the production value, whether the plot made a compelling story, who they want know more about, and so much more. Can Daredevil find normalcy in his double life? What changes could be made to the Iron Fist that would produce a positive result? And are Jessica Jones and Luke Cafe destined to be together? All these subjects are discussed on this week's new episode!

For the Fun & Games segment, Charlotte and Laura challenge each other to a round of 1, 2, 3... S/He's yours with some surprising results. They also take a quiz to find out which Defender they are. Play along with the girls and comment with your result!

Inspired by their favorite Defender, Jessica Jones, and limited by a morning record time, both Charlotte and Laura enjoyed a nice cup of coffee spiked with whiskey.

Listen to this episode now!

The Lettuce Podcast is available on iTunesStitcher, and Podcast Addict. If you like what you hear and want to be part of the conversation, feel free to leave a comment on this or any blog post. You can also help us reach a wider audience by rating and reviewing The Lettuce Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks for listening and for your support!
Don't forget to join us next week for The Lettuce Beets. On the next topic episode of The Lettuce Podcast, Charlotte will be sharing the first book in one of her and her dad's favorite series: Plum Island by Nelson Demille.

Until then,