Sunday, June 11, 2017

Watercress Woman - Show Notes

It is our sacred duty to save the world! The Lettuce Podcast teams up with Diana Prince in this week's episode about the 2017 DC film Wonder Woman! Charlotte takes the golden lasso on this topic where she and Laura discuss the female forward film's characters, plot, and themes. Charlotte talks about the presence of women within the film's large cast of characters and whether it was imbalanced throughout the film. Laura confesses a budding love for Robin Wright after her powerful performance as Antiope. Both hosts praise Gal Gadot's perfect balance of strength and sweetness, David Thewlis' surprising character twist, and the comedic elements of Etta. Does Wonder Woman do females justice in a film genre widely ruled by males? Is the film funny, and more importantly, does it need to be? And can The Lettuce Podcast determine once and for all if Wonder Woman is the best female superhero? And this and more on this week's new episode!

After the topic discussion, Charlotte and Laura reveal the result of their first ever Twitter poll. Be sure to check @TheLettucePod on Twitter every Monday for a themed poll! For Fun & Games, the girls take a quiz to find out which female superhero they are and play a round of 1, 2, 3... She's Yours!

This week's podtail was a special creation made by Laura called the Golden Lasso. To make a Golden Lasso: combine 2 oz. white rum, 1 oz. honey whiskey, and 1 oz. honey. Top off with Sprite or your favorite lemon-lime soda. 

Listen to this episode now!

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Don't forget to join us next week for The Lettuce Beets. Next time on The Lettuce Podcast, Laura and Charlotte will be returning to 1960's Madison Avenue for Season 5 of Mad Men!

Until then,

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