Sunday, April 14, 2019

Iron Mandarin 2 - Show Notes

Laura and Charlotte invite their favorite guest, Cory, back to show to chat about Iron Man 2 on this week's epsidoe of The Lettuce Podcast. The chronological journey through the MCU continues with a discussion about Iron Man/Tony Stark's character development, the film's place in the MCU, and more. Laura shares why she feels this film is too similar to The Incredible Hulk. Charlotte explains why she finds Tony Stark unlikeable. Cory reveals his favorite scene from the movie (Spoiler Alert: it involved Natasha Romanoff!). Together, they all compare Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, express their sympathy for Pepper Potts, and chat about the film's best combat scene. Why is Tony so closed off from his huge supply of support? Is Ivan Vanko the best villian in Phase 1? And will Tony and Pepper finally do it? All this and more on this week's episode!

For Fun & Games, Laura made Charlotte and Cory compete against each other in 3 round of a superhero themed Kwizniac. Play along and see if you can guess the answers to this trivia game!

Feeling thirsty? Why not mix up a Moscow Mule? Not only are they a refreshing drink in the warmer Spring weather, they are this week's podtail inspired by Russian villain Ivan Vanko!

Listen to this episode now

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It's back to the MCU for the next topic episode of The Lettuce Podcast. Laura and Charlotte will welcome BFF of TLP, Cory, back to the show to review Iron Man 2. Don't miss it!

Until then,

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