Sunday, March 8, 2020

Rise of the Cilantro-men

Good news, Lettuceheads! The Lettuce Podcast is back from its hiatus and diving right in to Season 2 of Doctor Who! Laura hosts with Charlotte in tow as they discuss David Tennant's first round as the Doctor, the rise of the Cybermen, Rose's significance to the Doctor, and all things Ood. Laura wonders if the Doctor's quirky and silly tendencies are coping mechanisms for a hidden sadness. Charlotte enjoys the inclusion of Sarah Jane Smith and the tension she creates between the Doctor and Rose. Together the hosts laugh over the Dalek-Cyberman insult trading, debate the Doctor's actions with Madame de Pompadour, and list their favorite episodes of the season. Does Rose get a happy ending with the most ideal versions of her parents? Does the Doctor gaslight his companions? And who is better at dying: Daleks or Cybermen? All this and more is discussed on the back-and-better-than-ever Lettuce Podcast!

To celebrate the return of the show, Laura and Charlotte play two classic games in the Fun & Games section: Alphabet Sentence and Kill, Marry, Pity Date. Can you create an alpha-sequenced sentence about Doctor Who? Would you kill, marry, or pity date an Ood? Play along during episode and tell us your results in the comments!

Looking to sip on something while you enjoy this episode or an episode of Doctor Who? Try Laura's homemade “Blue Box” podtail. This take on a wine spritzer includes Sauvignon Blanc, blue curacao or food coloring, and blueberry/pomegranate carbonated water. Let's just hope your podtail doesn't succumb to the same fate that Laura's did (you'll have to listen to find out!).

Listen to this episode now!

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The Lettuce Podcast is available on iTunesStitcheriHeartRadio, Spotify, and Podcast Addict.

Don't forget to join us next week for The Lettuce Beets! On the next topic episode of The Lettuce Podcast, Charlotte and Laura will be returning to their chronological journey through the MCU and reviewing the final film in the Iron Man trilogy.

Until then,

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